5 – Lohanabyonlyahead


A tale from the region of Farafangana (South‐East)

Taken from “Angano Malagasy Nofohazina” of Moks Razafindramiandra

Retold by Nandrasana, illustrated by Roddy



(P.4) Once upon a time, in the south‐east of our country, there was a couple who had four children. One of these was handicapped, since he didn’t have a foot, or a hand, or a body. All there was to him was his head. And that is why he was called « Lohanaby‐only‐a‐head »

 His elder brothers never stopped mocking him and this made him very sad.


(6) One day, he decided to go and see Zanahary [the creator of the world in the Malagasy tradition], to ask for his help. Lohanaby‐only‐a‐head rolled and bounced like a ball along the road, since he didn’t have real feet to walk with. After a while, he met an old woman on his way. She asked him where he was going.

 « I’m hoping to see Zanahary, » he replied, « because I would like how I am.”


(8) The old woman took pity on Lohanaby‐only‐a‐head, and advised him on how to behave when  he met  Zanahary.

 « Never sit down on the golden chair, which is where he will invite you to sit, and never eat from the golden plate that he will offer you to eat from, and don’t sleep in the golden bed when you are invited to sleep in. Near his home, there is a water which can transform men. But  make  sure to stay humble, if you want him to change how you are.


(10) Lohanaby went on his way. After a week he arrived at Zanahary’s place. Zanahary’s dog barked furiously at him, but Lohanaby‐only‐a‐head did not care.

 He walked straight into Zanahary’s house. « I know why you’re here » said Zanahary. He let him come in and asked him to sit on the golden chair. But Lohaby refused: “Please allow me to sit on the ground, by the  threshold of the door» he replied.


(12) Then Zanahary offered him food on a golden plate. « I couldn’t possibly eat off that, My Lord, » he replied, « I would like to eat from a simple earthen  plate. »

 When night was falling , Zanahary offered him a golden bed, but Lohanaby refused again. « Thank you so much, but I’m used to sleeping on a mat made of straw. That is fitting well for me » he added.


(14) The next morning, Zanahary asked him why he’d come. « You made me into a deformed being, My Lord, and because of that my life is hell. I’m nothing but a head without  feet, without hands, not even a body you had for me. All you have  given me are teeth to eat with. »

 « That is true » replied Zanahary. « I was somewhat distracted when I made you. I had too much work on hand at the time and I could only finish your head. But bear with me, I’ll  put things right “


(16) Zanahary told Lohanaby to plunge three times in the nearby lake. As soon as he took the first plunge, Lohanaby‐only‐a‐head found he had hands, a stomach and a chest. He took a second plunge  and, lo and behold,  feet and the rest of his body appeared . And at the third plunge, he become a handsome young man with a beautiful body.


(18) So he made his way home. You can imagine the surprise his parents and his three brothers had when they set eyes on him, the brothers who had teased him so mercilessly.  As to Lohanaby-only-a-head, he was only too happy to tell every detail of his journey in answer to his brothers’ questions.

 « We’ll go there too » said the brothers, with their hearts full of jealousy.


 (20) And off they went. On the way they met the same old lady, but they did not even greet her. And for her part, she didn’t tell them anything. Finally,  they arrived at Zanahary’s place.


(22) Zanahary ushered them in and showed  them the golden armchairs on which the brothers sat without a single thought. Then, he served them food on three golden plates, and they ate  without hesitation. Zanahary didn’t say a word. When night fell, he invited them to sleep in golden beds,  which they settled down into readily.


(24) The next morning Zanahary asked them about the reasons for their visit.

 « All three of us would like to be more handsome than you’ve actually made us, My Lord, and better looking than our younger brother, too. »


(26) Zanahary took them to the lake which could change men and told them to plunge into the water three times.

 As soon as they had plunged in the first time, their mouths gawped  wide. With the second plunge they grew  four paws, and after their final plunge, all their bodies were  covered in fur. They had been transformed  into dogs and they started barking. Zanahary chased them away saying : « Be gone with you, your wishes have been granted. »

 Lohanaby  ,however, had become an upright handsome man, who lived happily with his parents.


Tales, tales, legends, legends !


I tell them, you, you listen


(880w) C, ropf